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Announcements Blog

To My Dad – New Album Release

DEAR ALL, You can now purchase my hymns’ album ” TO MY DAD” from Apple Music. To all those who want to contribute to supporting the album by sharing it, I am really grateful and to all those who asked on how to purchase…

May 13, 2023


In 1935, Jesus said to Saint Faustina, “You will prepare the world for My final coming.”(Diary 429) Jesus also said to her, “In the Old Covenant I sent prophets wielding thunderbolts to my people. Today I am sending you with my mercy to the…

October 18, 2021
Blog Unlock bible meaning


It means showing content or a lack of reverence for God, ‘And he that blasphemeth the name of the Lord, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born…

February 26, 2021
Blog The Institution of the Bible

Sins that Cry Out to God for Vengeance

  Sins that cry out to Heaven for revenge defined in the Latin term “peccata clamantia” (crying sins) recognise in particular four deadly sins, that their specific cases are listed in the Bible. The Bible refers only to specific actions by the Bible characters…

February 26, 2021
Blog The Institution of the Bible

Temporal And Eternal Punish

  In the practice of the Catholic Church teaching “THE CELEBRATION OF THE CHRISTIAN MYSTERY” document isstated that, sin has a two consequence: Eternal punishment that is a result of committing a grave/serious sin; In which it deprives us of communion with God and…

February 26, 2021
Blog What the Catholic Church says?

The Modern Evil

  Monsignor Gianfranco Girotti, Regent of the Catholic Apostolic Penitentiary, asked, what are, in his view, the new sins? Through an interview with the Vatican newspaper ‘L’Osservatore Romano.’ Girotti whose office dealt with matters of conscience and the granting of forgiveness emphasized that sins…

February 26, 2021
Blog What the Catholic Church says?

The Beauty of being a Catholic

The religious life whether it is of the clergy or of ordinary persons speak to us throughout their lives and documented for us what inspired them and stimulated their spiritual life. Accordingly they passed to us their legacies in which became the foundation of…

February 26, 2021
Be Prepared to Give a Good Answer Blog

Deadly and Mortal sins

In conformity with the teaching of the Bible, the Church and Tradition God created us in His Image and Likeness and blessed us with freedom. But our first parents Adam and Eve misused or abused that freedom when they chose to disobey God which…

February 26, 2021
Blog Litanies

Litany of the Virgin Mary in Chaldean

BA A’UTHA D MARIAM PTHOLTA Kerya laison, Krestia laison Kerya laison, Krestia laison Ya Maran Eishoa Mshiha,             Maseth ellan Ya Maran Eishoa Mshiha,             M jaweb ellan Ya Baba Alaha shmayana,     …

February 26, 2021
Blog Litanies

Litany of the Twelve Promises

LITANY OF THE TWELVE PROMISES OF THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us: R.Inflame our hearts with love of Thee. O Heart of Jesus, behold us prostrate before Thee, to adore Thee, to praise Thee, to thank…

February 26, 2021