January 18, 2023

In St. Augustine’s view, all of humanity was truly present in Adam when he sinned, and thus all sinned. And according to him, Original sin consists of Adam’s guilt (disobedience to God’s will) AND THAT is inherited by all humans.

The Doctrine of Original Sin reveals how Adam’s painful choice contaminated the blood of humans, and brought death to all of his descendants, rather than life. There was a death in the blood of mankind in which we lost the divine life and we were condemned to death on earth. 

Original sin is the sin which corrupts our nature and gives us the tendency to sin. Actual sins are the sins we commit every day before we are saved, such as lying, swearing, stealing …

Original sin is the Christian doctrine which says that,  because of the sin of Adam and Eve, original innocence is lost and all subsequent human beings are born into a state of sinfulness. The doctrine states that human beings do not commit this sin but rather contract it from the Fall of Adam and Eve (CCC: 404). Therefore, original sin is an inherited condition rather than a sinful act. And following his conversion to Christianity, North African theologian St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430) developed the doctrine of original sin (Confessions 8:12).




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