Blog Chaplets

The Holy Rosary Sorrowful Mystery

January 27, 2021

The Sorrowful Mystery Friday, Tuesday

1. Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Hayo ya Ruha d Qudhsha,
mshaderan min shmaya zareare d
hayo ya Baba d mekeane,hayo ya
mpalaana d mouweh watha, ya msal
yana d hashane, ya behra d lebawatha,
hayo ya nikhutha basimta, ya a’amra d
gyanatha. Ayeat eiwet go jihwa
nikhutha, w go khema pay khutha,w go
bekhya sulaya,ya behra shmayana, mlie
lebawatha d mhu yeamne min zahreare
deyokh. Baid la ayet leth kha mendi b go
barnasha nadhifa w dakhya.
Badam mandhif mtem youthan, matri
weeshuthan, m basem marae deyan,
makhem qariruthan, mtares pliemuthan, w
hal ta mhu yeamne dielay tkiele elukh
shawa maweah watha, w prei lay go
tawatha, w halan towta d khalas w bis
khutha aalminai ta beshmaya. Amen.

ھیو یا روحا دقوذشا مشادیرن من شمیا زھریري
ھیو یا بابا دمسكیني، ھیو یامبلئانا د موھواثا، یامسلیانا
دحشاني، یابھرا دلبّواثا
،ھیو یا نیخوثا بسیمتا ، یا عمرا دكیاناثا ، آیت أیوت كو
 جھوا نیخوثا،
وبكو خما بیاخوثا، وبكو بخیا سولایا، یابھرا شمیانا ملي
دمھویمنه من زھریري دیوخ، بید لا آیت لیث خامندي بكو
برناشا نظیفا
ودخیا ، بدم منظف طمیوثن ، متري أیویشوثن ، مباسم مرأي
،مخم قر یروثن، مطارس بلیموثن، وھل تا مھویمني
دإیلاي تكیلي ألـوخ
أشوا موھواثا ، وبرألاي بكو طاووثا
وھلن طوتا دخلاص وبصخوثا علمینیتا بشمیا ، آمیــــــن

1. First Sorrowful Mystery

The Agony in the Garden Spiritual Fruit: Sorrow for Sin, Fulfillment of God’s Will

بیرا دأذ رازا: بشمنتا إلد خطیثا

Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, He advanced a little and fell prostrate in prayer. “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass me by.”

Matt 26: 36-39

– GLORY BE to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
– O MY JESUS, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, and lead
all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy.

Ya Eishoa habiwa, shwoq
talan khtiyathan, w mkhales
lan min nura d gihana,
w groshlay kulay gyanatha l malkutha,
beb rishutha aan dilay bush sniqe
eled mrahma nuthukh

یا ایشوع حبیوا، شووق طالان خطیاثن، ومخالصلان
من نورا دكیھانا، وكروشلاي كولاي كیاناثا
لملكوثا، ببریشوثا أني دیلاي بوش سنیقه الد
مراحمانوثوخ. آمیــــــن

2. Second Sorrowful Mystery
The Scourging at the Pillar Spiritual Fruit: PURITY – Mortification
of the Senses 

– HAIL MARY 10 times
– O MY JESUS, forgive us our
sins, save us from the fire of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy.

Ya Eishoa habiwa, shwoq
talan khtiyathan, w mkhales
lan min nura d gihana,
w groshlay kulay gyanatha l malkutha,
beb rishutha aan dilay bush sniqe
eled mrahma nuthukh

یا ایشوع حبیوا، شووق طالان خطیاثن، ومخالصلان
من نورا دكیھانا، وكروشلاي كولاي كیاناثا
لملكوثا، ببریشوثا أني دیلاي بوش سنیقھ الد
مراحمانوثوخ آمین  

3. Third Sorrowful Mystery

The Crowning with Thorns Spiritual Fruit: Reign of Christ in Our Hearts

بیرا دأذ رازا: نعمه

They stripped off His clothes and wrapped Him in a scarlet cloak. Weaving a crown out of thorns, they fixed it on His head and began to mock Him.

Matt. 27, 28-29

– HAIL MARY 10 times
– GLORY BE to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
– O MY JESUS, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy.

Ya Eishoa habiwa, shwoq
talan khtiyathan, w mkhales
lan min nura d gihana,
w groshlay kulay gyanatha l malkutha,
beb rishutha aan dilay bush sniqe
eled mrahma nuthukh

یا ایشوع حبیوا، شووق طالان خطیاثن، ومخالصلان
من نورا دكیھانا، وكروشلاي كولاي كیاناثا
لملكوثا، ببریشوثا أني دیلاي بوش سنیقھ الد
 مراحمانوثوخ آمین

4. Fourth Sorrowful Mystery

The Carrying of the Cross Spiritual Fruit:
Fruit of the Mystery: Patient Bearing of Trials :

بیرا دأذ رازا

Jesus was led away, and carrying the cross by Himself, went out to what is called the Place of the Skull. There they crucified Him.

John 19, 17-18

– HAIL MARY 10 times
– GLORY BE to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
– O MY JESUS, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy.

Ya Eishoa habiwa , shwoq
talan khtiyathan, w mkhales
lan min nura d gihana,
w groshlay kulay gyanatha l malkutha,
beb rishutha aan dilay bush sniqe
eled mrahma nuthukh

یا ایشوع حبیوا، شووق طالان خطیاثن، ومخالصلان
من نورا دكیھانا، وكروشلاي كولاي كیاناثا
لملكوثا، ببریشوثا أني دیلاي بوش سنیقھ الد
 مراحمانوثوخ آمین

5. The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery

The Crucifixion and Death
Fruit of the Mystery: Perseverance, Pardoning of Injuries

بیرا دأذ رازا: شوقانا

The curtain in the sanctuary was torn in two, Jesus uttered a loud cry and said: “Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit.” After this, He died.

Luke 23, 45-46

– HAIL MARY 10 times
– GLORY BE to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
– O MY JESUS, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy.

Ya Eishoa habiwa, shwoq
talan khtiyathan, w mkhales
lan min nura d gihana,
w groshlay kulay gyanatha l malkutha,
beb rishutha aan dilay bush sniqe
eled mrahma nuthukh

یا ایشوع حبیوا، شووق طالان خطیاثن، ومخالصلان
،من نورا دكیھانا، وكروشلاي كولاي كیاناث ا لملكوثا
ببریشوثا أني دیلاي بوش سنیقھ الد مراحمانوثوخ



– Kerya laison, Krestia laison
– Kerya laison, Krestia laison
– Ya Maran Eishoa Mshiha,
Maseth ellan
– Ya Maran Eishoa Mshiha, M
jaweb ellan
– Ya Baba Alaha shmayana, M
rahem ellan
– Ya Ber d Alaha M khalsana d
a’aalma, – Mrahem Ellan
– Ya Ruha d Qudhsha Alaha,
Mrahem ellan
– Ya Tlitha youtha Qaddishta
kha Alaha, – Mrahem ellan
– ya Qaddishta Mariam, M salay … –
ya qaddishta Yemma D Alaha, M
salay … – ya qaddishta Ptholta d
Ptholatha, M salay … – ya Yemma d
Mshiha, M salay … – ya Yemma d
Na’amae Alahaita, M salay… – ya
Yemma Kulanayath Nadhifotha, M
– ya Yemma d Nekhputha, M
salay… – ya Yemma Nterta, M
salay… – ya Yemma D la Moma, M
salay… – ya Yemma B eitha, M
salay… – ya Yemma d Masharta
Tawta, M salay… – ya Yemma d
Baroya, M salay… – ya Yemma d

Mkhalsana, M salay… – ya Ptholta
Hakemta, M salay… – ya Ptholta M
youqarta, M salay… – ya Ptholta M
shubahta, M salay… – ya Ptholta
Khailanitha, M salay… – ya Ptholta
Mrah manitha, M salay… – ya
Ptholta M haimanta, M salay… – ya
Merae d Kenoutha, M salay… – ya
Kuresia d Hekhemtha, M salay… –
ya Sabab d Pes khuthan, M salay…
– ya Amana Ruhanaya, M salay… –
ya Amana M youq ra, M salay… –
ya Amana M a’ujba d A’ebadae, M
salay… – ya Warda Razanaya, M
salay… – Ya Borja d Dawidh, M
salay… – Ya Borja d Garma d Fiela,
M salay…


– Ya Baitha d Dehwa, M salay…
– Ya Qewatha d Qaulae, M salay…
– Ya Tara’a Deshmaya, M salay… – Ya
Kawekh wa d Besparae, M salay… – Ya
Mbas manitha d krihae, M salay… – Ya
Beth Gausa d hatayae, M salay… – Ya
Msal yanitha d Ghbenae, M salay… – Ya
A’on d Mshihayae, M salay… – Ya
Malektha d Malakhae, M salay… – Ya
Malektha d Babawatha Qaddishae,
M salay…
– Ya Malektha d Nweyae, M salay…
– Ya Malektha d Shlihae, M salay… –
Ya Malektha d Sahdhae, M salay… –
Ya malektha d Moadyanae, M
salay… – Ya Malektha d Ptholatha,
M salay… – Ya Malektha d kulay
Qaddishae, M salay…
– Ya Malektha Btenta Dla Moma
Kyanaya, – Ya Malektha
Mshunetha Leshmaya, M salay…
– Ya Malektha d Wardiea
Qaddishta, M – Ya Malektha d
Shlama/3 M – Ya Barkha d Alaha
dielae ta’ena h tahae – d a’aalma,
Maseth ellan
– Ya Barkha d Alaha bikhaye dielae
ta’ena h tahae – d a’aalma,
M jaweb ellan
– Ya Barkha d Alaha bikhaye dielae
ta’ena h tahae – d a’aalma,
Mrahem ellan
– Kerya laison, Krestia laison
– Kerya laison, Krestia laison

Khouthed Setra D Hamaya Deyakh

Khouthed setra d hamaya deyakh,
k lajukh ya Yemma d Alaha, M bourakhta
w Qadishta, la manesh yat talabat deyan,
b a’edana des niq wathan ellakh,
ella m khaleslan b daeimotha m
kulay darakae, ya Ptholta M
shubahta w M burakhta. Amen.

b go bekhya wesh tay khan ta,
B adhi ra aula , ra aula dem ae,
M adhi sabab, ya shafi a’a deyan,
p thoul l geban bekh yarta deyakh hanin,
W makhwelan m bather adhi athra
d nekhra youtha
Eishoa pira d kasakh m bourkha,
ya hanin ya halitha ya basimta ya Mariam
ptholta . Amen.


– M salay m badalan ya yemma d
Alaha m bourakhta w qaddishta.
– D khash khukh l qaolae d Maran Eishoa Mshiha.


Prayer to Saint Michael
the Archangel

Holy Michael, the Archangel,
defend us in the day of battle.
Be our safeguard against the
wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do you, O Prince of the heavenly
host, by the power of God cast into hell
Satan and all the evil spirits
who wander through the world
seeking the ruin of souls.

Shlama ellakh ya malektha
yemma d rahmae,
Ayat eiwat khayan w besmuthan w
emud deyan. Shlama ellakh,
L gebakh k qarukh akhni nukhrayae
yalae d Hawa,
Wel gebakh kem shtay khunukh,

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